Wednesday, December 5, 2007


nino ferrer avec les gottamou - avec toi j'ai compris le monkiss
gemelle kessler - monkiss

in 1966, nino ferrer recorded an e.p. with les gottamou. all four songs on this record deal with "monkiss", which seems to be some kind of dance. the song "avec toi j'ai compris le monkiss" was subsequently covered by german kessler twins who were very popular in italy at the time, their italian version simply called "monkiss" (originally posted on the schlocker blog).


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Hello Bryan,
My deepest congratulations for your new blog. This is exactly the kind of stuff I've been always looking for through the Net and never been able to find: wonderful but shamefully obscure and neglected material.
Let's keep in touch!
Best Regards,

Anonymous said...

Link is not working anymore; sad...